Our commitment to make a positive impact

Our world is facing unprecedented challenges: Climate changes, the depletion of natural resources, and rising inequalities, and BNP Paribas Personal Finance has committed to a long-term company transformation to make a positive impact.

We believe that consumption is at the core of global challenges, and that changes to our consumption patterns therefore can provide an answer to these challenges. We believe that people can vote with their wallet. Through more responsible consumption, we all have the power to preserve natural resources, reduce our carbon footprint and make a difference on a greater scale.

Our commitment

Our commitment is to promote access to more responsible and sustainable consumption, to support our customers and partners.

We conduct our commitment to make a positive impact in three key domains

To be exemplary as a company and employer

Create a sustainable, fair, and inclusive workplace and have a neutral impact on the environment.

To transform our business, operating models and offers

Expand access to our financial services to a broader range of customers, help our customers reduce their environmental footprint, and build a sustainable and inclusive relationship with our stakeholders.

To make a positive impact beyond our business, in our fields of expertise

Increase financial literacy and awareness about sustainable consumption, and increase digital inclusion and literacy.

"Asking yourself, what kind of positive impact you can make, is a start towards action." Annika Olsson, Nordic CEO at BNP Paribas Personal Finance

Nordic Company Engagement 2022

To support and illustrate our business transformation, we have outlined a plan with focus areas and initiatives for 2022, materialised in a Nordic Company Engagement statement for 2022.


Nordic Company Engagement 2022_to kolonne format