
New Nordic partnership with Atea in the fight against e-waste

We are pleased to announce a new type of collaboration with our IT partner, Atea, and launch an internal campaign to raise awareness about e-waste.

We are happy to have implemented a new sustainability initiative, as we are expanding our collaboration with IT partner, Atea, to handle the disposal of our IT equipment – items we no longer use – in a data-safe and environmentally friendly way.

To support the initiative and create internal awareness about e-waste, we offer all our colleagues at BNP Paribas Personal Finance Nordics the opportunity to hand in their own e-waste.

The collaboration with Atea and our internal campaign supports our journey towards becoming a bank, business partner and employer that operates in a more sustainable way.

Why is e-waste a big deal?

Electronics have a negative impact in terms of production, transport, frequent replacement by users ( that’s us!) and a low rate of recycling. This is a big burden on our climate.

According to Atea, only 20% of electronics are recycled today worldwide and more than 50 million tons of electronic waste are produced each year – the equivalent to the weight of The Great Wall of China.

The lifecycle of a mobile device begins with its manufacture. Each smartphone contains more than 62 different metals, 17 critical raw materials and up to 5 different conflict minerals – and consider that we are facing a global depletion of raw materials!
In order to obtain these precious metals and produce a single smartphone, 34kg of ore needs to be mined, using 100 liters of water and 20.5g of cyanide.


What can we do?

We must all ask ourselves: “What can we do?”
One of the answers is to recycle our e-waste to the extent the possible and to ensure that devices that are not suitable for refurbishment are disposed in an environmentally friendly manner. We are taking our firsts steps now together with Atea, and we look forward to this collaboration.