
The power of diversity

We believe in the power of diversity and in providing a work environment where you can be yourself.

We believe in creating an inclusive and welcoming workplace. That is why we embrace our differences and encourage diversity, an asset which is an integrated part of our company culture.

A diverse team is more creative, innovative and high performing. Therefore it is also important to continue to recognise the power of diversity, which is why we promote all forms of diversity among our teams, including gender equality.

We cannot escape the fact, that we are part of an industry which is known to be male dominated, and that women can still be considered a minority group, in particular at management levels.

In 2018, 26% of the managers in Danish banks and mortgage banks were women. At European level, figures from 2020 illustrates an even higher gender difference, as only 18% of managers were women. In comparison, we are doing well here at BNP Paribas Personal Finance.


In 2022, we have formulated an ambition for the gender balance in our Nordic organisation, as we strive for a balance of at least 60/40 at all levels of the organisation.

Our objective is not to favour any gender but to aim for a balance. At some levels of our organisation we accomplish this target very well. On others areas we still have room for improvement.

In this context, we were proud to get a female CEO, Annika Olsson, in 2020, and by 2022 she remains to be one out of only five female CEOs of Danish banks.